"As Bryce Harper passed home plate after his 2nd home run of the three he hit yesterday, Ian Desmond lifted Harper's helmet and with a flick of the head, Harper's hair fell back in place. If you get a base hit, you have to stand on base and the helmet weighs down your hair. That's why Harper uses the home run." This message was brought to you by Aqua Net. What? It's better than the same stupid Major League Baseball highlights over and over again on MLB TV -- we get it, Bo Jackson threw out a runner! Get a new highlight! It's also better than a Hanz and Franz commercial -- talk about a sad commentary on baseball fans' demographic. "Hey, Bill, we have a commercial that appeals to 35 to 60-year-old white males. Any ideas where we should place it?" So, Harper hit three monster-sized badonkadonks like a night out as Gabourey Sidibe's pants and I told you to draft Harper before just about every fantasy baseball 'pert, so you're welcome. Don't mention it. No, no, it's okay. Okay, fine, you can hug me. Stop trying to touch my mustache! Anyway, here's what else I saw yesterday in fantasy baseball: